
Lots of you joined me in this challenge last year, and I have to say how amazing the experience was! So this year will go ahead and do the challenge again. I pray that you will join me and invite others for this special and truly fulfilling month long journey.

Here’s how it works
This November 1, I am putting out a challenge to all women and Men who want to bless their family and friends with 30 Days of ways to be Thankful.

“30 Days of Being Thankful” will challenge you daily through out the whole month of November to be thankful for every gift that the Lordhas provided to you as well as teaching your children simple ways to be thankful.”

This is a journey to learning to be thankful for the smallest things and seeing God all around you as we move through each day. I pray that this challenge will stay with you long pass the 30 days.

I wanted to let you know now, so that you can prepare your hearts in seeing if this challenge is right for you.

I hope that you will join me in this challenge as we learn to be thankful for the smallest things that the Lord provides and ways to teach our children the importance of being thankful.

1. First and foremost, get that this is about giving thanks, and if moved to, sharing what you’re thankful for with others. The goal is to consciously engage in (at least) one moment of thankfulness every day this month. That’s it.

2. The thing for which you give thanks can be big or small–it doesn’t matter, because even 30 small gratitudes will add up to something awesome by month’s end. Not sure what to be thankful for?

What you’re thankful for can be anything at all–as long as you’re consciously thankful for it. That’s the key.

3. Truly, being thankful is enough. Sharing it via social media or in some other way is a gift to the world, because there are so very many people (we bet you know a lot of them!) who really struggle with giving thanks for the things that they have, or the people or events in their lives. Modeling being thankful is a way to gift them because as you share what you’re thankful for, you shine a light–a light that tells others that it’s ok for them to be thankful, too. If you chose to share on Facebook, Instagram,Twitter,Google+,pinterest or any other social media platform please use any of the following hashtags #30daysOSparkle, #OSparklechallenge to keep track.

Join the Facebook event here

4. If you decide you want to share what you’re thankful for, you might simply say it aloud, or you might choose to write it on paper, blog about it, share it with those you love over dinner, draw something, or even sing it. As with other 30 Day Projects, there’s simply no wrong way to do this. Just make the way you do it your own–as unique and special as you are!

Please feel free to leave a comment each day for what you are thankful for,or if you are a Blogger and choose to do the challenge post your blog link in a comment so others can follow and support your 30 Days of being thankful.

He aquí cómo funciona
El 1 de noviembre  estoy poniendo un desafío a todas las mujeres y hombres que quieren bendecir a su familia y amigos con 30 días de maneras de ser agradecido .

” 30 días de ser agradecidos ” pondrá a prueba todos los días a través de todo el mes de noviembre para dar gracias por todos los dones que el Señor ha dado a usted, así como la enseñanza de sus hijos maneras sencillas para estar agradecidos ” .

Este es un viaje para aprender a ser agradecido por las cosas más pequeñas y ver a Dios a su alrededor a medida que avanzamos a través de cada día . Rezo para que este desafío se quedará con usted pasa mucho de los 30 días .

Quería hacerle saber ahora, para que pueda preparar sus corazones en ver si este desafío es el adecuado para usted.

Espero que se unan a mí en este desafío , ya que aprender a ser agradecido por las cosas más pequeñas que el Señor ofrece y las maneras de enseñar a nuestros hijos la importancia de ser agradecidos.

1 . En primer lugar, conseguir que se trata de la acción de gracias , y si se trasladó a , compartiendo lo que está agradecido con los demás. El objetivo es comprometer conscientemente en ( al menos) un momento de agradecimiento todos los días de este mes. Eso es todo.

2 . La cosa por la que le das gracias puede ser grande o pequeña , no importa , porque incluso los 30 pequeños gratitudes se suman a algo impresionante para fin de mes . No estoy seguro que sea agradecido?

Lo que estás agradecido puede ser cualquier cosa , siempre y cuando usted es consciente agradecido por ello . Esa es la clave .

3 . En verdad, el ser agradecido es suficiente. Compartirlo a través de medios sociales o de cualquier otra manera es un regalo para el mundo , porque hay mucha gente ( apuesto a que sabe un montón de ellos! ) Que realmente luchan con la acción de gracias por las cosas que tienen, o los personas o eventos en sus vidas. Modelando el ser agradecido es una forma de regalo , porque al compartir lo que estás agradecido, usted brilla una luz , una luz que le dice a los demás que está bien para ellos estar agradecidos , también. Si decide compartir en Facebook , Instagram , Twitter, Google+ , Pinterest o cualquier otra plataforma de medios sociales por favor, utilice cualquiera de los siguientes hashtags # 30daysOSparkle , # OSparklechallenge para realizar un seguimiento . Únete al evento en Facebook aquí

4 . Si usted decide que quiere compartir lo que estás agradecido , es posible que simplemente decirlo en voz alta , o puede optar por escribir en un papel , blog sobre él comparta con sus seres queridos durante la cena , dibujar algo , o incluso cantar ella. Al igual que con otros proyectos de 30 del día, simplemente no hay manera incorrecta de hacer esto. Simplemente haga de la manera que lo hace su propia tan único y especial como tú !

No dude en dejar un comentario cada día por lo que está agradecido por favor , o si usted es un blogger y decide hacer el reto de publicar su enlace en el blog un comentario para que otros puedan seguir y apoyar los 30 días de ser agradecido .

Comparte con nosotros en Facebook Aqui

Day 1 of being Thankful– I’m thankful to God for my Husband John, he’s a wonderful Husband father provider and best friend.

1 Timothy 5:8 Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Day 2 of being Thankful Im thankful for the opportunity to share with you all and encourage each through this event.

“Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.”
2 Corinthians 9:13 NIV

Day 3 of being Thankful today I am thankful to The Lord for having mercy on me, and loving me even when I’m a wretch! His love never fails!

Ps 103:8,10-14 (NIV) The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love… He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgression from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.

Day 4 today I am thankful for my boys
Gio and Gabriel, what a blessing and joy they are. They are my sunshine.

3 John 1:4 ESV
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

So behind in posting here, so sorry.
Day 17 I’m so thankful for The Lord blessing with My son Gabriel,he has been a gift from above. I’m such a proud mom, grateful for all that he accomplishes daily. He is the sunshine in everyone’s day.

Rejoice always.
Pray without ceasing.
Give thanks in all circumstances.
THIS is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


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